It looks like now is one of the most exciting and
dynamic growth periods in InterVarsity history! Campus staff sent in their end of the year reports and the information has just been tabulated in our Annual Field Report (AFR). Take a look:
- Overall student participation at 37,936 is up to the highest level since tracking began in 1970, growing for the fifth consecutive year.
- The number of undergrad chapters grew by 23, the strongest gain in more than a decade. We now have 893 chapters on 576 campuses. (Thanks chapter planters!)
- The largest campus ministries are: James Madison University with 575 in the undergrad chapter and 84 in Greek chapter, for a total of 659 students, followed by UNC-Chapel Hill, UIUC (Illinois), UT-Austin, and UW-Madison.
- Conversions totaled 3,354: the highest number ever and double what it was seven years ago.
- The number of chapters with ten or more converts is double what it was five years ago.
In fact, one of our 2100 interns this summer, Gisella, became a Christian just last year through friends in (what is now) her InterVarsity chapter! What a privilege to put a name, a personality, and a story to one of these numbers. Thank you for your
prayers and resources, that make the growth of God's Kingdom possible. Glory be to God for His work on campus!