Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Red Cup Report: Weber State, SDSU and Wake Forest

From Mac Smith (also in early reports) at Weber State in Utah:

"We had 7 students become Christians during my call to faith at Large Group where 161 students showed up. Some 60 students that were already Christians stood to give Jesus an area of their life where they were trying to get their thirsts met on their own. We have never done so well with contact cards during the first week of school. Last year we got 60 and that was the most that we had ever received. This year through the Red Cup Proxe we gathered 130 contact cards and then another 30 at the interest table. 100 more students signed up...praise God! We trained every student leader to share the gospel and pray with each person so almost everyone that went through it heard the gospel and was prayed for."

From the staff team at San Diego State University:

(They posted a video of the call to faith at their first large group.)

"At a call to faith at SDSU’s first meeting of the year
18 students stood to commit to letting God fill their soul. What a joy in heaven! At the end of the night we counted 11 cards that were filled out by students saying they made a decision for faith. Follow up is extremely important to us, so we are on this to see what God is doing and how we can help them grow. We had 200+ chairs and some standing and the room was packed. We had our meeting right in the dorms, and it was so fun to be with God right in the fray of campus creating worshipers with Him!"

UC Davis Staff (doing Red Cup next!) gave a shout out to SDSU:

"Your large group tonight served a couple of our UC Davis students who were home for the summer. The two girls brought their brothers and the one who was an adamant atheist stood up to receive prayer for God to do something about the sin in his life. Are you kidding me right now?! That’s amazing! Thank you for the work you’re doing 500 miles away! Really makes InterVarsity feel like one big family! "

From Kevin Boyd at Wake Forest in North Carolina:

He writes on his blog that in 2 days, they had 119 participants, 37 contact cards, 10-12 gospel presentations, and students 33 who expressed interest in either a GIG or Small Group.

“Talking to others about Jesus is not as scary as I thought it would be. It was actually exciting getting to share the gospel and talk about how Jesus quenches our 'thirsts'. I am so thankful that we took this leap of faith and followed through with this proxe station because I believe it was a growing experience for everyone involved.”
- Hannah, Wake Forest senior

"My favorite part...was this one guy who Kevin shared the gospel with. He walked away like he was going to leave but continued to stand around. Then he started grabbing people and making them participate! He would stop his friends and say, "Hey, hey do this thing... what are you thirsty for? Hey, who's got the stickers? Come here and make him do this!" I was struck with how natural it is for someone who has encountered the gospel to tell the next guy about it. It was awesome!" - Brittany, Wake Forest senior

The 24 students from 3 schools in Duluth/Superior who were trained in Red Cup last night. They are starting the Red Cup today at the University of Minnesota Duluth!

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