Thursday, March 01, 2012

Greek Conference 2012: Indy Photos

Name tags waiting for students. [All designs in photos are my work.]
InterVarsity staff Steve and Annie set up banners.
Bars--serving water-- greeted students entering the conference hall.
The audio visual set up. L to R: Dan (sound), David( lights), me (PPT), Laura (lyrics)
and Steve (video switcher).

An epic game of rock, paper, scissors on stage.
MC, and my good friend, Eric Holmer looks on.
Students Kelly and Daniel take a break outside the 'Lead' concentration.
Small group discussion in a concentration.
Students Hannah and Tori hug after standing to make a commitment.
Students from Purdue pose in front of the Greek Conference photo wall.
And showing you how it's meant to be used, it's me and video intern Laura.

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