From Rachel Rollefstad, new staff at University of New Mexico:
week, a few students and I carted a blue pop-up tent, some colorful
poster boards, and a bunch of name tags onto a busy sidewalk on the UNM
campus. This was our "Who Will You Be?" proxe station: an
interactive booth with eye catching graphics, designed to engage
students in spiritual conversations about identity. We talked with a
wide spectrum of students, asking them questions and listening to their
views of God. I was particularly impressed with an IV student who is a
new believer.Every time I turned around he was sharing his testimony
or talking about Jesus' redemption of the world in a personal way with
someone! A few students now want to investigate Jesus for themselves as
a result of our conversations.Hopefully, they will be spending a few
weeks studying Jesus in the Bible with us."
I'm a Graphic Designer with twentyonehundred productions, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship's inhouse design and video production studio. We make promotions and resources for all the staff and students involved in IVCF chapters at universities across the nation.
Twentyonehundred team members each fundraise our support, so we can offer our expertise to fellow InterVarsity staff (and students) for free. Putting the G in Design keeps everyone praying for and giving to this ministry in the loop. None of it could happen with out God and without you.
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