Saturday, September 08, 2012

Starting Urbana12 Production

I'm way out of my depth here guys...
Any Hu, video team member, and I set up shots for transitional scenes.
This Labor day, instead of resting, I was working away. I spent most of the weekend vacationing with friends up at InterVarsity's camp Cedar Campus, but when my Urbana project manager heard we'd be there, he suggested we do a day of shooting backgrounds for a dance and theater piece  titled "The Deep"-- since, up there, Lake Huron is clean and clear and indeed deep.  Amy and I spent a full day shooting and at least 4 of those hours in a boat or up to our thighs in cold water. This being my first time directing a video shoot (I've directed photoshoots before) I felt in over my head. And now I'm further in, editing the clips together in Final Cut. Here we are filming (shots taken by our model Laura)...

Views from the shore...and from the water. (Sorry, none of us filming in the kayak.)
It's a hard balance to find the abstract in photos, and still hold to a concept. It's hard to even describe what you're looking for. We needed shots that felt like the viewer was on the shore, on a boat, and underwater with the fish, to be the set as scenes from Jesus, the disciples, and the abundant catch of fish (Luke 5:1-11) are acted on stage. A couple shots of the Real/Abstract look we're trying to achieve...

The shore and out to sea to let down nets.

Jesus: “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”
Simon: "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets."  

Friends, I'm feeling like Simon(Peter) right now. I've been working hard, trying to find a cohesive look for the screens behind speakers, worship, theater, testimonies and transitions. One that honors the themes and stories of all, delights but doesn't distract, and brings them all together. Right now, my team and I don't know if it's working. We've run into so many fears (will the audience understand it?), limitations (time, money, personel) and creative hurdles (so...what does the 'worthiness of Jesus' look like?). But Urbana12 is the Lord's work. So, we'll let down our nets once again.

Please pray for an abundant catch. Pray that whatever our solution to these backdrops is, it will be fitting and beautiful, and that we will arrive at it soon!

Urbana12 Sneak Peak...Sort Of

Our scale model of the Urbana12 stage fits on a 6-foot table
top. This is my miniature domain, and the world I worry about.
Although they look final, it may be that no part of these
designs ends up on the real stage--and even the stage layout
may be changed. This is why we have a model--but I'm not
used to playing with it so much this late in the game.
Please pray for the progress of this project!

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Who Will You Be: U of New Mexico

U of new Mexico Who Will You Be tent on campus.


From Rachel Rollefstad, new staff at University of New Mexico: 

"Last week, a few students and I carted a blue pop-up tent, some colorful poster boards, and a bunch of name tags onto a busy sidewalk on the UNM campus.  This was our "Who Will You Be?" proxe station: an interactive booth with eye catching graphics, designed to engage students in spiritual conversations about identity.  We talked with a wide spectrum of students, asking them questions and listening to their views of God.  I was particularly impressed with an IV student who is a new believer.  Every time I turned around he was sharing his testimony or talking about Jesus' redemption of the world in a personal way with someone!  A few students now want to investigate Jesus for themselves as a result of our conversations.  Hopefully, they will be spending a few weeks studying Jesus in the Bible with us."

Red Cup: UT Austin

Staff from UT Austin IV wrote: "2 new believers last night! Both came to the fellowship meeting through the Red Cup Proxe Station that asked the question 'What are you thirsting for?' "

The two student holding red cups in the middle came up to the front to accept Jesus!

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Who Will You Be: first reports from Denver, South Dakota, & Baltimore

CU Denver's Who Will You Be set-up
Kristin Wright, Staff at University of Colorado Denver reports: "Who Will You Be Proxe is amazing! So far 85 students heard the gospel. Missional freshmen are wanting to join in. One new believer so far. IV students feel conversation has been honest and authentic. CU interns did a great job teaching WWYB at pre-fall. They are coaching and debriefing with students at the proxe. They are becoming missional leaders of leaders."

South Dakota State InterVarsity talked to 500 students at the Who Will You Be proxe this week!

26 names! (I've removed last names & campus details to protect privacy.)
 From Staff in Baltimore: "This is a picture of students who responded to the invitation to follow Jesus for the first time or as adults at our large group last night. I asked them to write their name on a name sticker and put it on the poster in the back of the room. We're in the process of following up with each of them. I spoke about the younger son and the Father [from Luke 15:11-32] and used the name tags as the response. It went really well!"