Monday, May 14, 2012

The Everyday: Intercessor

Thousands of InterVarsity friends pray regularly for our ministry using the Intercessor, a prayer guide with timely requests from staff all over the country. This past winter I finally got my way (I'd been lobbying for years!) and redesigned it in with more color, photos, an easier-to-use format and a pleasing, current design.

I used my template to do the May-June intercessor, pictured here, and as you can see, featured Michelle French, a staff who supports a fledgling Greek student chapter at University of Cincinnati. We got to know each other while she was my right-hand woman putting up the stage at Greek Conference. Pray that her students would really "own" the chapter and make their own initiatives!

One of my donation services co-workers also passed on this message from a donor to the Campus Access Fund:

"We pray daily for InterVarsity and we like the new prayer brochure! IVCF touched my life years ago – I would not be where I am today if it were not for IV. Keep up the good work!"

Thanks daily pray-ers. LOVE. :)

Red Cup: Spring Break Addendum

Spring Break was a while ago, but I just discovered another story from staff Erin Foster that I can't help but want to share with you! During one of the beachside Red Cup events our staff met two girls, here's a excerpt:  

"I asked her what her tears meant and she began to cry even more. She poured out her heart with questions, “What are you doing here? Why did you drive us home? I didn’t expect this on my spring break trip. Who are you?” She told me she had just been in church on Wednesday before spring break and she simply cried through the service. She had pushed that out of her mind determined to forget it in the fun of spring break. But to me it was obvious that God was trying to get her attention..."

Read the rest of the story on Erin's Blog.

Who Will You Be: Reno Test

We've been testing our new campaign to make it the best it can be when many chapters use it to attract freshman this fall. Our first test was University of Southern California and the 2nd was University of Nevada--Reno, where we tested, especially, lines students might say to lead someone from one visual panel to the next.

We had alot of positive feedback, as well as constructive criticism. I'll share my favorite student response (of course positive):

"Do more proxe stations like these. I had such an easy time transitioning from one poster to another with this one. I thought this campaign was awesome and was quite successful."

Pics from Reno:

Panels 3 and 4-- voting on character traits and the story of the Lost Son
Panels 1 and 2--Celeb's real and stage names, Participant's posted nicknames
Panels 1 and 2
Look how many people participated: the nickname board is covered!

The Everyday: A Small Request Fufilled

Students wait in line to sign up for Urbana 12 at Catalyst

It's hard sometimes take care of the small requests, or the confusing ones, in time. With a designer leaving, one out part of last week, and a new one arrived today we almost missed printing a banner for Catalyst.

The staff had ordered one, and then two, banners of a design she sent, and had talked to the absent designer. When I got her phone call, by this time a last minute request, I printed and had them over-nighted. The pay-off? There it is in the photo, at Catalyst, Chapter Camp for students in Iowa, Missori, Kansas, and Nebraska. It arrived! 

And students are signing up for Urbana... so back to working on the big projects!