Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Red Cup: Early Reports

This is what happens when designers have to print panels all day...(I start making up nicknames for staff who order them).

But 187 panels and two weeks later the Red Cup displays are out on campus! New Student Outreach is beginning. Mac Smith, staff at Weber State University in Utah-- who's order for 8 panels I filled last week--reports:

"I was nearby as one of our students shared the gospel at the Red Cup proxe station and then prayed with two guys to receive Christ today! One student shared about Jesus in her class because her professor asked her what her Red Cup shirt meant in the middle of the class. 80 + interest cards filled out in one day which is more than one week during last year's NSO! Praise God!"

Julie Helwig, staff at Montana State, said she bought 1,000 red cups from Costco to use with the campaign. Students at University of Colorado-Boulder put red solo cups through a chainlink fence to make a statement:

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