Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Red Cup

The newest national New Student Outreach & Evangelism Campaign

Doug training The Red Cup with an intern posing as a skeptical passerby

Out of my chapter building committee partnerships came an evangelism/new student outreach campaign last year called Choices- you may remember. Well, this year’s is called The Red Cup, using the iconic cups so prevalent at campus parties. Students at the station ask passers-by: what are you thirsty for? Fun, Purpose, Love, Success? What if someone told you, they could quench that thirst forever? Jesus claims just that. (Living water, of course!)

“50% [of people] wanted to stop and talk. We picked a theme than would catch and draw, and it seems to be working.” Said Doug Schaupp, who led the western region’s campus intern training. They used this four-panel display & “script” (we call them proxe stations) on campus at University of New Mexico. Jason Jensen, the regional director, said “I can add an AMEN to Doug’s testimony that the proxe was good. God was merciful and led us to many conversations, many gospel presentations, and at least 11 first time decisions to follow Jesus.”

Check out more photos of the Interns training and presenting Red Cup on the trek website.

Proxe Panels--

The interns and staff spread the word, and it’s fast becoming the most popular campaign materials I’ve ever designed... it’s just that now I have to print them all. I have 35 orders so far, most for multiple copies. I’m racing to get them to chapters before school starts.

PRAISE--I am so grateful to God for wonderful campus partners on this project: Doug, Sam, Serene and Beth, and that it’s so popular with staff and students already. My work is not in vain!

PRAY—Do pray for new freshmen as they as they arrive on campus looking the quench a variety of thirsts.

1 comment:

revphil said...

Hi there, Im curious about the last doodle of the stick figures. Can you explain it?